or, alternately, shit i'm not so stoked on.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The McDonald Family Animal Rescue Farm is a charity run by an amazing family who wants nothing more than to help animals.

Please become a fan and donate today! 

THESE PEOPLE ARE SO GENEROUS and kind, it is inspiring! They run this entire operation out of their own pockets, and from their backyard. All of their money and time goes to helping animals.

You can donate via paypal.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Lately all I can do is fantasize about Possum Living. 

Leaving this rat race behind and spending my whole days gardening, picking berries and making dinners and crafts, and just generally taking time to enjoy the things I do.

I'm not a materialist and I hardly own anything of value, but I'm certainly not the most outdoor-saavy gal. I need to save some money and harden up, then drop out of the business world.