or, alternately, shit i'm not so stoked on.

Friday, December 4, 2009

So yesterday I discovered this amazing music blog, ylowek scavel-cronek. Catchy name, I know.  Essentially, it has links and downloads (+passwords) for tons of music that the blogger has uploaded from his own personal collection. There's all kinds of music on there, experimental Israeli and African shit, El-p's Def Jux selection, lots of old hip hop, funk, compilations, and bands like Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings and Hawkwind (Hawklord the weird tapes!) etc etc. What a resource! I feel like I hit the free music jackpot.

Also all kinds of intriguing tidbits and links like this Castlemorton festival that he posted a video from. Wicked 90s rave style!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Well, I'm settling for this rat ring instead. Not nearly as awesome, but also $1170 cheaper.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fat Boys on Miami Vice! LOL.

Oh my goodness, this ring is so great i want to die. I wish I could bring myself to spend $1200.00 right now.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

fuck this song is delicious.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today, prompted by a post on Jezebel, I watched the entire Dreamworlds 3 documentary by Sut Jhally.

It was honest, it was raw, it was disturbing. Everyone should watch it.

(The whole doc is available on Youtube through this user)

The end of the documentary, showing the attacks against women in NYC, shows a very clear and very frightening similarity between the objectification of women in music videos, and in real life.
In light of recent events, such as the Richmond gang rape, wherein a 15-year-old girl was gang-raped in front of a crowd of up to 20 people, who cheered and watched, this phenomenon becomes only more real and more disturbing. Or how about the woman in Brazil who was heckled and sexually harassed by almost 200 students for wearing a mini-skirt to class, and was subsequently expelled from her school for causing a scene?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Saturday was Wyrd Fest, a one-day Canadian underground music festival featuring these bands:

Shearing Pinx
Myelin Sheaths
Moby Dicks
The Famines
Feral Children
Outdoor Miners
Sans Aids

(poster lifted from Weird Canada)
The venue was the Cosmopolitan Music Society on Gateway Blvd. It was an excellent location for the most part, especially because when I heard that it was on Gateway I was imagining having to pay 30 bucks for a cab ride there and back before I realized it was right off Whyte. Oops.
There were two rooms in the venue, and when one band ended everyone would herd off into the other room just in time for the next band to start. For 6+ hours. Holy shit. I was tired. And sober—which explains the “excellent location for the most part.” No booze sucks and even though everyone else was drinking in the parking lot, I didn’t really want to miss anything OR stand outside in the cold.
But it was worth it.
I don’t think I saw a single disappointing act.
My favorites, by far, were The Famines and Peace. I’m not sure if they were hyped up from the full day of wyrd-ness, or if they’re always that insane live (I’ve seen both before but never like that) but they had massive energy which the crowd fed off of too until everybody in the place was in a fucking frenzy. Raymond of Famines got right in the crowd and moshed and screamed and sweated like mad, and Garrett the drummer even jumped in there for a bit.
And Peace. Ohmygoodness Peace.
The lead singer was wearing pantyhose from the start, no biggie, and halfway through the drummer took his shirt off, and then his pants and boxers, until he was playing completely buck. Well the crowd couldn’t handle that and as if everyone wasn’t psychotic enough already they all started repeat crowdsurfing, rushed the stage, all the girls started sexy dancing behind the band and all the boys took their shirts off….pure madness.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Friday, August 28, 2009

Il fait trop beau pour travailler!

I am seriously obsessed with Scopitone videos right now.

My favorite so far is the kooky "Le vampire" by Stella, the "anti-Sheila" or "anti ye-ye" of French pop.

I also love Joi Lansing. Scopitone vids could get away with being way racier than anything they showed on television, because they were essentially video jukeboxes.

This Condors song is catchy too.

My year is a day.


"Comic Strip" by Serge Gainsbourg, featuring Brigitte Bardot, is an amazing video, holy is she wicked. I love that jumpsuit/boots combo, with all the necklaces and the cape, and the thigh-chains. Embedding is disabled but check it out here.

I could probably go on forever, posting Scopitone videos. And I probably will.
Check out Bedazzled for tons of Scopitone videos.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

kool keith and kutmasta kurt.
Everything from this project so far is so hype!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I really want to buy these boots from ebay.
Obviously, I would take the little heart & beads off. But after that, they will be tough as hell, and perfect for winter, which we unfortunately have a couple more months of.
I just love the description that the seller gives, too.

"Kick up your heels in these boot scooting eye catching footwear...These are every cowgirl's dream boots and every cowboy's dream girl when you wear them. A great boot to dance the night away to your favorite country music. These would be great with any denim or western style clothing. Add these beautiful red hot boots to your shoe collection today. When you wear them, the fun is sure to follow."

Every cowgirl's dream boots? Sign me up.